Illustration for Group-Creativity by Punya Mishra
The next article in our series Rethinking Technology & Creativity in the 21st Century just got published by the journal TechTrends. This article features an interview with Dr. Roni Reiter-Palmon, Varner Professor of I/O Psychology and the Director of the I/O Psychology Graduate Program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She also directs for the Center for Collaboration Science, an inter-disciplinary program at University of Nebraska. Her research has focused on creativity and innovation in the workplace (for individuals and teams), cognitive creative processes, team decision-making, and organizational adoption of innovative processes. Speaking to the value of creativity she said:
I think we’re seeing more attention to creativity and innovation because we have lot of complex problems to solve, both as a country, in the world, or anything in the political realm that you want to touch. Whether it’s climate change, or poverty, or anything meaningful—and that awareness drips down to organizations. We don’t have a lot of simple problems these days.
Dr. Reiter-Palmon speaks to a range of themes, in response to this need, in her interview. These include: the importance of problem construction as a precursor to creativity; innovation and creativity in organizations, interdisciplinary and team creativity, and technology as building creative bridges. Read the complete article for yourself:
Keenan, S., Henriksen, D. & The Deep-Play Research Group (2017). Organizational Contexts and Team Creativity: An Interview with Dr. Roni Reiter-Palmon on Innovation Within Organizations. Tech Trends (61)4.