The medium is the massage

by | Sunday, January 27, 2008

Nicholas Carr has an interesting post (titled Rewiring the mind) on the findings of a recent study into the information seeking behaviors of scholars. (The full study in pdf format can be downloaded here.) Carr seems to suggest that these results indicate a fundamental change in human cognition. I have to agree that new technologies do generate (and require) new forms of literacy – but I am not sure I completely agree that interaction with information on the Internet is changing how we think. Worth reading and discussing…

Image credit: breezeDebris via Flickr

Topics related to this post: Biology | Evolution | Psychology | Technology

A few randomly selected blog posts…

New Orleans (photos)

I took a couple of hours off to walk around New Orleans in the French Quarters taking pictures. Here they are... Click on the image for more pictures...

John McCain, RIP

John McCain, RIP

• • • • • • • • •John Sidney McCain IIIAugust 29, 1936 – August 25, 2018 The above image is a visual / typographic representationof one his favorite quotesfrom For whom the bell tolls,by Ernest Hemingway Image © punyamishra

Googling me…

I wish I had a Googleganger (also known as a Google twin), but with a name like mine, I doubt that is going to happen anytime soon.

ChatGPT does not have a user manual. Let’s not create one.

ChatGPT does not have a user manual. Let’s not create one.

Note: This is the next post in the shared blogging experiment with Melissa Warr and Nicole Oster. This time we question what and how we should be teaching about generative AI. The core idea and first draft came from Melissa, to which Nicole and I added revisions and...

Jared Diamond on creativity, innovation and wealth

Jared Diamond has an article on, somewhat provocatively titled: How to get rich? The question his after is simply, "what is the best way to organize human groups and human organizations and businesses so as to maximize productivity, creativity, innovation,...

Slipping into uncanny valley

MindHacks has a great post related to some of my previous postings about anthropomorphizing interactive artifacts (see here and here) - just that this time these artifacts under discussion are robots. As it turns out, sometime too much similarity between humans and...

A (Wheatstone) bridge to the past

A (Wheatstone) bridge to the past

This is a story of serendipity. Of how an out-of-the-blue email request, about an article I had written over two decades ago, led me to rediscovering authors, books and ideas that I had first encountered back in my high-school days in India and have been deeply...

SITE2013 New Orleans

All my photos from the recently concluded SITE2013 conference at New Orleans. These include photographs from multiple sessions (chronicled here, here, and here) as well as from all the fun we had (at the MSU dinner, just hanging around in Burbon St., as we as other...

Engineering Education, past & future II

A couple of weeks ago I made a presentation (with Neeraj Buch) to a group of engineering educators from India. This was a meeting organized by the College of Engineering and the Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education. Having made this presentation once I had...


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