Blurred visions: Another history of TPACK

by | Thursday, March 16, 2017

I had posted recently a video based on a talk I had given at ASU. In that video I spoke about the role of theory in research through a history of the TPACK framework. You can see the video here.

Now, my TPACK partner in crime, Matt Koehler, has created his own video of the story, this time for a talk he gave at the recently concluded SITE conference in Austin, Texas. Though we cover pretty much the same ground in our our respective talks, I think there are sections in Matt’s version that are quite insightful. You can see Matt’s video (A brief history of TPACK) here.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Cost of living

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The darker side of curiosity

The darker side of curiosity

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Learning to see complexity: Teachers designing amidst indeterminacy

Learning to see complexity: Teachers designing amidst indeterminacy

Note: The image above was generated by Adobe Firefly and edited using Photoshop beta. Teaching is a profession steeped in complexity. This complexity manifests in various ways: the diverse skill sets, interests, and backgrounds students bring to the table; the...

How to fix your Indian accent using AI

How to fix your Indian accent using AI

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It’s all Greek to me: TPACK commercial

Last summer Matt and I created a couple of TPACK commercials for a video presentation we had been invited to make at ISTE in Denver. You can see the commercials here and here and the entire video here. Recently, Spyros Doukakis, a PhD candidate at the University of...

Digital before his time

A recent story in the NYTimes about Peter Gabriel (An Old Rocker Gets Digital) brought back memories of Peter Gabriel's album covers. It tells you a lot about me that I know album covers better than I know his music! During his time with Genesis and later, when he...

3 pieces of wisdom, one muddled conclusion

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Penang update

Today was my presentation at the University Sains Malaysia. I was picked up this morning by Abdul Hamid, a huge beefy man, with little English, but a great smile. A beautiful half-hour drive along a sea-side highway led us the University which is perched somewhat on a...

The first 100 days, on Facebook

This is just absolutely brilliant!! In particular check out the URL that Dick Cheney sends to Obama, approximately half-way down the page. (You will have to copy and past the url).



  1. The TPACK diagram gets an upgrade – Punya Mishra's Web - […] “Why Theory: The TPACK story” for my take; this one for Matt’s version “Blurred visions, another history of TPACK” and…

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