Ambigrams & Math: In one embeddable ebook

by | Saturday, October 03, 2015

Over the past two years Gaurav Bhatnagar and I have written five columns for the Math education journal At Right Angles  on the topics of mathematics and visual wordplay, specifically Ambigrams. In this five articles we have explored everything from symmetry to self-similarity, fractals to paradoxes. I have posted these articles on this website as they have been published (see here for the latest), but I finally decided to put them all together in one document for easier access. You can access the PDF here or read them all on this site as an embeddable document (see below).

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Visualizing mathematics

I love visual proofs of mathematical theorems. One visual proof I use quite often in my design courses (CEP817 or CEP917) is a visual proof of the fact that the sum of consecutive odd numbers is a square number. In other words: 1 + 3 = 4 = 22 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 = 32 1 + 3...


Maggie Niess has a new piece titled Knowledge Needed for Teaching With Technologies – Call it TPACK published in the spring 08 issue of AMTE Connections. For those of you who don’t know, AMTE stands for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and you can find...

The existence of futility

I have written about the value of seeing humor in the futility of existence (see this and this) but humor can also be found in the existence of futility. Below is a motivational video that demonstrates this fact. Enjoy......

Cost of living

Being alive costs taxpayers trillions of dollars a year First time research reveals staggering annual taxpayer cost for being alive East Lansing, MI, April 15: In first-ever research, a new report quantifies a minimum 3 trillion annual taxpayer cost from citizens...

Of hernias and hiccups, the evolutionary story

Interesting article in Scientific American about how flaws in our biology reveal our evolutionary history. Steven Gould talked about it in his famous essay on The Panda's Thumb. This is a wonderful argument for Darwinian evolution since it points not to perfection...

Alien Games

A journal article on games and gender, that has been years in the making is finally going to see the light of day! The complete reference and abstract can be found below. Drop me an email if you would like a copy. Heeter, C., Egidio, R., Mishra, P., Winn, B., & Winn,...

October 2: Remembering Gandhi

I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any—Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (10/2/1869 - 1/30/1948)...

EduPunk: The logo

I had written about the EduPunk program and my natural affinity to it here. What I forgot to add in that posting was an EduPunk logo I had created. This logo was made using photos of letterforms from Flickr. There is a handy-dandy tool created by Erik Kastner called...

Being a tourist in Taipei

I woke up this morning, feeling maybe for the first time in this entire trip, tired and a little homesick. I ascribe the first to the rather hectic schedule I have had the past 10 days so, continually on the move, presentation after presentation, meeting after...



  1. Ganesh, new ambigram, & old video – Punya Mishra's Web - […] about the mathematics underlying ambigrams can be found here. More about the Ganesh festival […]

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