TPACK Ambigram

by | Monday, March 02, 2009

I have been wanting to create a TPACK ambigram for a while now… what would be better than combining my two greatest loves – technology integration in teaching WITH ambigrams!

Finally after some subtle prodding by Matt Koehler I have finally done so. This is a reflection ambigram i.e. it would read the same when you hold it up to a mirror. Of course this makes it ideal for a t-shirt design (which I guess is the next step). To ensure that you do hold it up against a mirror I have placed some text below the image that is already reflected (nudge, nudge… ). Enjoy.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Vikram OR Vetaal, A Halloween Story (co-authored with AI)

Vikram OR Vetaal, A Halloween Story (co-authored with AI)

A few weeks back, Sean Leahy – friend, tech aficionado, futurist, and the co-host of the Learning Futures Podcast – reached out to me via email with an intriguing proposal. He was playing with the concept of harnessing generative AI to craft Halloween stories. The aim...

Dewey meets Wong

David Wong is a colleague of mine at the College of Education and an avid John Dewey scholar. He also loves to fish. You can learn more about his work by going to his web site here. (I had earlier blogged about his work around visually representing ideas here and...

Is a lecture just a lecture?

My mashup of a commercial has been on YouTube for a while and just yesterday I noticed that someone had left a very thoughtful comment... and that comment got me thinking... and hence this posting. To start with, if you haven't seen the videos here they are again....

Jabberwocky goes to graduate school

The 5th floor of Erickson Hall is a fun place to be. Typically a bunch of graduate students hang out there, working on their readings, talking shop and in general having a good time. For some reason, last week, I promised Josh Rosenberg that I would write a poem for...

Too cool for school: Using the TPACK framework

Matt Koehler and I just published an article in Learning & Leading with Technology, the membership magazine of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The complete citation is as follows: Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2009, May). Too Cool for...

TPACK newsletter #5, Oct – Nov 09

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #5: October/November 2009 Welcome to the fifth edition of the TPACK Newsletter, now with 568 subscribers (representing a 15% increase during the last two months!), and appearing bimonthly between August and April. If you are not sure what TPACK...

Happy New Year

For the past couple of years now, our family has been creating new year's greetings using stop-motion video. This year was no exception. Here it is (on Vimeo) A very wonderful holidays and a very happy new year to all of...

Educators as Designers

Educators as Designers

How might we? Three words, and a question mark. At one level it is a simple question—leaving open what it is that we might do. But at another level its openness is its strength. Because inherent within it is a call to action, a discomfort with the way things are, and...

100 and counting: Silver Lining for Learning

100 and counting: Silver Lining for Learning

March 11, 2020 (a little over two years ago), just around when the pandemic had forced educational institutions across the globe to shut down and transition to remote learning, my friend Yong Zhao reached out to Chris Dede, Curt Bonk, Scott McLeod, Shuangye Chen and...


  1. Peter Le Roux

    Dear Professor

    I loved the first article I read on TPACK. I was especially stimulated by the issue of classroom practices needing to be constructed as foundational disciplines and then as cross-curricular think tanks. I have downloaded another five of your PDF articles for reading in the vacation. I would love a referral to a site where I can download more of them. Thanks for the great work. The best part about it is that it understands that school units were always supposed to be about the teaching of our subjects as beautiful, living entities. Pet e

  2. Punya Mishra

    Sean, I think we are coming up with a cafe-press account… will post it onto the blog when that is done. We will not be making any money off it (as I had mentioned in my previous note).

  3. Punya Mishra

    Thanks. I think the next step is to set up a cafe-press account and price it at cost – and let people make their own, if they want. We already have a design for a TPACK button (modeled on the Got Milk campaign – even has the same typeface). That’s the one on the front page of my website. Just need some time!

  4. Sean Nash

    Oh yeah… this is quite- quite good!


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