Too cool for school: Using the TPACK framework

by | Thursday, April 30, 2009

Matt Koehler and I just published an article in Learning & Leading with Technology, the membership magazine of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

The complete citation is as follows:
Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2009, May). Too Cool for School? No Way! Learning & Leading with Technology, (36)7. 14-18. [PDF download].

This article includes a few examples of work done by my students as a part of a doctoral seminar. I had given them an assignment titled, How can a technology become an educational technology? and the work of three of them made it to the paper. I had written previously about Noah’s idea for using microblogging in the classroom (see here, here & most recently here). I haven’t blogged about the other two (though I have discussed them in presentations I have made) so it is good to have them represented here. Paul’s idea was to use specialized search engines (particularly visual search engines) to help students understand the idea of inter-textuality (the idea that texts often refer to each other in complex and intricate ways to create webs of meaning). Erik Byker, on the other hand, looked at how freely available DJ software can be used to teach mathematical concepts such as ratios, fractions, and percentages. Cool stuff!

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Visual thinking

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Design and creative repurposing: Thinking about Ed Tech

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  1. Punya Mishra

    Thanks Russ… let me know what your student says.

  2. Russ Goerend

    A good friend of mine (@mctownsley) passed this along to me, which I then copied and handed off to one of my fifth grade TAG students. I’m excited to see what he thinks.



  1. Cooking with TPACK | Three T's: Tech Tips and Tools for Teaching - […] make the connection the context of our reading assignment over the weekend consisted of an article To Cool for…
  2. MAET Summer 2010, East Lansing MI - June 21, 2010 (Day 1) - [...] J. (2009, May). Too Cool for School? No Way! Learning & Leading with Technology, (36)7. 14-18. [Download it from…
  3. EduTech Today Newsletter » Blog Archive » Message from the MAET Director - [...] This is actually something we wrote about quite recently in our piece published in Learning & Leading with technology…

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