Posts related to: COVID19
The value of school: Part 2

The value of school: Part 2

Note 1: This is the second of two posts on the value of school by Kevin Close and Punya Mishra. Read the first post: What value do schools bring? Note 2: These two blog posts became the basis of an article with Kevin. Full citation and link below: Mishra, P., &...

The value of school: Part 1

The value of school: Part 1

Note 1: This is the first of two posts on the value of school by Punya Mishra & Kevin Close. Read the second post: Revisiting Accountability. Note 2: These two blog posts became the basis of an article. Full citation and link below: Mishra, P., & Close, K....

Beware of science envy in designing learning

Beware of science envy in designing learning

Mike Crowley has a guest post on the site titled: If we need to be right before we move. (If you haven’t read it, I recommend it strongly. Go ahead follow the link above. I’ll be waiting). [Pause] Welcome back. I think Mike makes some...