New ambigrams for AERA

by | Wednesday, May 01, 2013

I was invited to give two talks at the the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Francisco. One was a Ignite presentation (5 minutes, 20 slides set to move at 15 seconds per slide), and the other was an ED Talk (sort of like a TED talk just without the tea). I chose to speak about creativity and technology – though in very different ways in each of these talks. I think both talks went well… While I was preparing for these two talks, I got inspired to create a bunch of new ambigrams. I recently posted four new designs, and now here are three more. I think all three are pretty good, though I am partial to the last one (the 3rd design). 

The first is a spiral of the word Thanks. The letter “s” does double duty here, switching its affiliation depending on whether you are reading it right side up or upside down.

The next design is for the word Ignite – the reason for creating it is self-explanatory, I think.

The final and most interesting design is the third one. It reads “Art” and “Science” one way and Education when rotated 180 degrees.   I think this one is still a bit of work in progress.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

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Rethinking Creativity, Race, Culture & Education

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Thoughtless acts? Technology, creativity & teaching

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Introducing India…

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Coding + Aesthetics: New Journal Article

Does beauty have a role to play in learning to code? Can code aspire to beauty and elegance? In this article, we argue that it does and it should. Read on... Good, J., Keenan, S. & Mishra, P. (2016). Education:=Coding+Aesthetics; Aesthetic Understanding,...

The OofSI/PI 2019 Report

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