Rethinking Creativity, Race, Culture & Education

by | Sunday, August 07, 2022

Episode 115 (dated July 30, 2022) of the Silver Lining for Learning webinar series focused on critiquing existing research on creativity – which for the most part has focused on the psychological and cognitive aspects of creativity. The guests on the show (Lori Patton Davis, Diego Roman and Greses Perez) discussed how standard conceptualizations of creativity and its role in education are fundamentally impoverished due to a lack of emphasis on issues related to race and culture. This was an amazing discussion and worth viewing/listening to by anybody with interest in these issues. You can learn more about our guests and the episode on the SLL website or watch the video (embedded below).

Silver Lining for Learning is a webinar series that I co-host (with Chris Dede, Curt Bonk and Yong Zhao). We have been doing this for over 2 years now. You can learn more about the series by going to the website, or by reading this article (Silver Lining for Learning as a driver of bottom up innovation) or by this post I wrote when we hit 100 episodes (100 and counting).

Also relevant may be this recent book chapter where we take a socio-cultural perspective on creativity, technology and learning.

Henriksen, D., Mishra, P., & Capurro, C.T. (2022). A Socio-cultural Perspective on Creativity and Technology: New Synergies for Education. In Plucker, J. (Ed). Creativity & Innovation: Theory, Research & Practice. (2nd Edition). Prufrock Press.

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