JTE Call for Proposals: Gen AI in Teacher Preparation

by | Saturday, June 08, 2024

The Journal of Teacher Education (JTE), is the flagship journal of American Association of Colleges of Teacher education (AACTE). It has been a leading voice in the field of teacher preparation for 75 years and is one of the most widely read professional journals in the field. For the past 75 years it has provided a vital forum for considering practice, policy, and research in teacher education.

To celebrate its 75th anniversary, the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) is seeking proposals for a special issue on Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and teacher preparation. I am one of the editors of this special issue along with Guy Trainin, University of Nebraska- Lincoln; Laurie Bobley, Touro University; Jon Margerum-Leys, Oakland University and Peña L. Bedesem, Kent State University — all members of AACTE’s Technology and Innovation Committee.

You can read the complete call for proposals, but here is the key “must know” info: You need to submit 300 words by this Saturday, June 15! That’s it.

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New presentation tool

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