Creativity online & in maker spaces

by | Wednesday, January 05, 2022

As a part of our ongoing series on creativity, technology and learning for the journal TechTrends we recently spoke with two nationally recognized scholars: Dr. Leanna Archambault and Dr. Edward Clapp. See below for introductions to both scholars as well as citations/links to the articles. (You can find a complete list of articles in this series here, and the articles focusing just on interviews here).

Dr. Archambault is an Associate Professor in Learning Design and Technology at Arizona State University’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. She is the author of multiple articles and coordinator of the Learning Design and Technologies program at ASU. She also serves as co-editor for the open access Journal of Online Learning Research, a K-12 focused journal that publishes research in online learning settings. She is an award winning scholar and a former middle school teacher — and in the context of the past year, when the shift to online learning was rapid and ground-shaking for many people, she has been an important voice in speaking to the value of creativity in online and blended approaches to learning. Citation and link to article given below:

Richardson, C., Mishra, P., & Henriksen, D. (2021). Creativity in online learning and teacher education: An interview with Leanna Archambault. TechTrends, 65:914–918

Dr. Edward Clapp is a principal investigator at Project Zero, a research center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education where he works on various research projects around design and maker-centered learning, creativity and innovation, school design, contemporary approaches to arts education, and the connections between creativity and diversity, equity, inclusion, and ethics. He is the author of Participatory Creativity: Introducing Access and Equity Into the Creative Classroom (2016), co-author of Maker Centered Learning: Empowering Young People to Shape Their Worlds (2016), and co-author of the Maker-Centered Learning Playbook for Early Childhood Education (2020). Citation and link to article given below:

Warr, M., Jungkind, E., & Mishra, P. (2021). Participatory Creativity and maker empowerment: A conversation with Edward Clapp, Ed.D. TechTrends.

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