Pi(e) day, 2019

by | Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A design created in celebration of Pi-day, 2019. (More context about the day here and more about the number itself here). As always, the OofSI team celebrates Pi(e) day by offering a selection of Pi(e)’s – exactly at 1:59 PM. Totally irrational I know!

Apart from being irrational, ? is also a transcendental number, which means it is not the root of any polynomial having rational coefficients. This implies, mathematicians argue, that it is impossible to solve the ancient challenge of squaring the circle. I beg to differ, as I so (tongue-in-cheek-ingly) proved in this blog post from last year.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Learning futures: Designing the horizon

Learning futures: Designing the horizon

I was recently invited (along with Sean Leahy and Jodie Donner) to present at the Winter Games, Digital Immersive Experience organized by ShapingEDU at Arizona State University. Our talk was titled Learning Futures: Designing the Horizon. We described our session as...

NEW BOOK! Creativity, Technology & Education

NEW BOOK! Creativity, Technology & Education

I am thrilled to announce the publication of a new book, a Mishra-Henriksen production titled Creativity, Technology & Education: Exploring their Convergence.  This book is a collection of essays that first appeared the...

Unleashing Creativity: ISTE interview

Unleashing Creativity: ISTE interview

A few months ago I was interviewed for an article in Empowered Learner, an ISTE member magazine. The final article, Unleashing every genius: Creative genius isn't rare – but the conditions that nurture it are is now online. You can access the entire issue of the...

Post-lunch session: Nancy Law

The last session of the day was led by Dr. Nancy Law, Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education, University of Hong Kong. Her session was titled Using ICT to support learning: lessons learnt from international studies I met Dr. Law at SITE 2008 and then...

The Five Spaces for Design in Education

The Five Spaces for Design in Education

Note: This post was co-authored with Melissa Warr. I love to talk about design and education. I like to hang out with people who care about design and education. This brings us to TalkingAboutDesign.com, a website/blog created by a group of graduate students (and...

Good teaching is good design

Good teaching is good design

I just came across Dieter Rams: ten principles for good design and was immediately struck by how closely they paralleled what is essential for good teaching. All one has to do is replace the word "design" with "teaching" and I think we get 10 pretty...

Expert eyes on creativity

Expert eyes on creativity

Since 2012, the Deep-Play Research Group has been publishing a series of articles under the broad rubric of Rethinking Technology & Creativity in the 21st Century in the journal Tech Trends. This has led to 33 articles (and counting) and...

Students video premiere on aftered.tv

This just in. Leigh Wolf just informed me that a video created by three of her students this past summer accepted by AfterEd - a web-based video channel produced by EdLab at Teachers College, Columbia University. New content is published weekly, including news,...

Amruta Patil’s Family Album

A few weeks ago I had featured Nina Paley, animator and story teller. I just discovered another amazing talent: graphic artist Amruta Patil. I got know Amruta through the desi blog ultrabrown which recently featured an interview (Amruta Patil and Kari: A short Q&A)...


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