Blurred visions: Another history of TPACK

by | Thursday, March 16, 2017

I had posted recently a video based on a talk I had given at ASU. In that video I spoke about the role of theory in research through a history of the TPACK framework. You can see the video here.

Now, my TPACK partner in crime, Matt Koehler, has created his own video of the story, this time for a talk he gave at the recently concluded SITE conference in Austin, Texas. Though we cover pretty much the same ground in our our respective talks, I think there are sections in Matt’s version that are quite insightful. You can see Matt’s video (A brief history of TPACK) here.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

A defining moment!

I started blogging at the beginning of this year - January 1, 2008 4 days later, when Obama won the Iowa caucuses, I a posted a video of his speech, and asked a simple question, "Is this a defining moment of our time?" See it here Almost exactly six months later, on...

Designing learning futures through reflective practice: 2 of 2

Designing learning futures through reflective practice: 2 of 2

This is the second of two posts on the topic of bringing principled innovation practices to designing learning futures. In this post (by Cristy Guleserian & Punya Mishra) we dive deeper into how these practices of PI connect with our model of design. In particular...

Creative Idiots share their process

Slate Magazine is running a series on Creative Pairs, or why Two is the Magic Number! Written by Joshua Wolf Shenk the series seeks to understand: What makes creative relationships work? How do two people—who may be perfectly capable and talented on their own—explode...

Teachers ARE designers (in many different ways)

Teachers ARE designers (in many different ways)

One of the pleasures of academia is working with awesome graduate students. This paper is an example of such a collaboration. Melissa Warr, for some reason or the other, decided to do a network analysis of some of the top-cited papers related to teaching and design....

Engineering Education, past & future II

A couple of weeks ago I made a presentation (with Neeraj Buch) to a group of engineering educators from India. This was a meeting organized by the College of Engineering and the Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education. Having made this presentation once I had...


Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011) To all of us who value creativity and design the passing of Steve Jobs is the passing of an era. I know my world changed when I first saw the Macintosh. I was a freshly minted electrical engineer who was trying to get out of engineering...

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali For an interactive card click here ... . Remember to turn your volume way up, and click anywhere in the sky above the Taj Mahal for some environmentally friendly, fireworks.

A tangent, a line & a circle, another Math-Poem

A tangent, a line and a circle A math poem Image credit: chrstphre (on Flickr) A point outside a circle, shoots out two lines one heading for the center the other more feline smoothly kisses the curve That delicate swerve of the ball and then, abruptly turns to the...

Daily routines of creative people

A while ago I had blogged about a webpage that chronicles how "artists work" (see my posting here). Now I discovered a whole website devoted to it. Check out Daily Routines. They are all interesting to read and the common theme that jumps out, for the most part, is...



  1. The TPACK diagram gets an upgrade – Punya Mishra's Web - […] “Why Theory: The TPACK story” for my take; this one for Matt’s version “Blurred visions, another history of TPACK” and…

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