The OofSI/PI 2019 Report

by | Wednesday, February 12, 2020

We are a busy group here up on the 4th floor of the Farmer Educational Building—the space where the teams from the Office of Scholarship & Innovation and Principled Innovation hang out.

To be fair, we do more than just hang out. There is quite a bit of work involved as well (along with laughter and general silliness). We document the work we do in a couple of ways. First, is through our website, specifically the What’s New section (which is an ongoing documentation of our work). The second is through our annual report.

The process of constructing the annual report is important, in and of itself, because it is often easy, in the rush of things, to forget all that we have done in the past 12 months. Constructing the report gives us a chance to look back and reflect, on successes and failures, on what we have achieved and what we have learned through the process.

You can download the 2019 report here or by clicking on the cover below. Last year’s version can be found here.

2019 Report cover - and a link to the PDF.

The report also contains a series of infographics capturing the work done by the various sub-team. These are given below (click on the images for higher resolution versions).

Infographics capturing work done by the scholarly initiatives, scholarly publications, design initiatives and technology initiatives teams.
Infographics capturing work done by the scholarly initiatives, scholarly publications, design initiatives and technology initiatives teams.
Infographics capturing work done by the Principled Innovation and Learning Futures teams
Infographics capturing work done by the Principled Innovation and Learning Futures teams

• • •

As always, none of this would be possible without the energy, passion and hard work put in by the entire team (and that they do all this with joy and infectious laughter is such a bonus). I cannot thank this crazy bunch of people enough.

The OofSI / PI team
The OofSI / PI team

A few randomly selected blog posts…

We Have Always Been Rhizomatic

We Have Always Been Rhizomatic

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TPACK underpins Aussie Teacher Ed Restructuring

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Why I love the web…

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Plagiarism, update II

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Technology Surveys for K12 students

Photo iPad Dream #2 by Lance Shields from Flickr I received an email from one Holly Marich, a doctoral student in our hybrid-PhD program, asking if I knew about any  technology usage surveys her school district can give their K-12 students. I didn't know of one so I...

The future of work & learning: An interview

The future of work & learning: An interview

I had posted earlier about my visit to Bangalore back in summer to participate in the Quest 2 Learn Annual Summit organized by the Quest Alliance. The two day conference focused on The future of work and learning. During my visit I was interviewed by Aakash Sethi, the...

Today’s Internet cliché award goes to:

Sara Black, a professor of health studies at St. Joseph's University for the following insightful quote: "The Internet can be a great tool, like any tool, it can also be misused." Check it out on in a story titled "#@*!!! Anonymous anger rampant on...

Blogging SETS: Morning session

I am trying to live blog the conference: Symposium on Education Technology in Schools: Converging for Innovation & Creativity [Full agenda here]. Let us see how far I can keep this up. August 20: Morning session: The pre-conference session has been about meeting old...

Hard hat area…

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