Design book-review podcasts

by | Thursday, October 12, 2017

I am teaching a new masters/doctoral seminar titled Design in the real world. This is the first class I am teaching here after coming to ASU and it is exciting to back in with students engaged in discussions about design, technology, and its role in our lives as educators. More info about the class can be found here. What I want to share below are three podcasts created by the participants in the class. The task was to review a book around design. Below are the three books and the audio files. Enjoy.

The Design Way by Taylor Kessner

How Designers Think by Christiana Bruchok & Kevin Close

Taking Design Thinking to School by Ye (Cherry) Chen & Wendy Wakefield

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Computational Thinking paper wins Outstanding Paper

Computational Thinking paper wins Outstanding Paper

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TPACK @ Henrico

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Bangalore symposium, now on YouTube

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Community Design Lab at Madison

Community Design Lab at Madison

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Limerick on Math & Beauty

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Bad poetry time: Clerihews

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Jean Baker

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Modeling & Play as cognitive tools: 2 new articles

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Leigh’s awesome acceptance speech at AACTE

As I had written earlier, the EPET Program received the 2013 Best Practice Award for the Innovative Use of Technology, awarded by the  American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education  (AACTE).  This is an incredible honor and makes all of us (faculty, staff, and...


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