Modeling & Play as cognitive tools: 2 new articles

by | Friday, May 22, 2015


The next article in our series Rethinking Technology & Creativity in the 21st Century is out. Sadly there is an error in the title of the paper. The paper explores the idea of play as a key trans-disciplinary habit of mind often used by creative people across disciplines. Our previous articles have looked at PerceivingPatterning, Abstracting, and Modeling. Below is a link to the latest article (you can see all the articles in the series by going here).

Henriksen, D., Keenan, S., Richardson, C., Mishra, P., & the Deep-Play Research Group (2015). Play as a Foundational Thinking Skill & Trans-disciplinary Habit of Mind. Tech Trends (59)3.*

* Please note that this article had a mistake in its title. I have placed a note with the right title on this PDF but it may not match the actual printed article as well as the pdf version available on the TechTrends website.

Incidentally, I had not posted our last article on the site, so here it is:

Henriksen, D., Terry, C., Mishra, P., & the Deep-Play Research Group (2015). Modeling as a trans-disciplinary formative skill and practiceTech Trends (59)2. p. 4-9.

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