Community Design Lab at Madison

by | Tuesday, March 20, 2018

One of the greatest pleasures of my work here at ASU (with the Office of Scholarship & Innovation) has been the work we have been doing with local school districts. Essentially we collaborate with partner districts and community organizations to develop innovative solutions to the “wicked” problems in education. To achieve this, we use an intentional, collaborative, open-ended design process that values local context,diverse perspectives, intrapreneurial thinking and iterative testing of solutions. More here.

And yes, we are hiring!

The video below is about one such partnership with the leadership team at Madison School District  to address the broad challenge of how might the district’s leadership team become more innovative in their approach to problem-solving? Enjoy.


Thanks to the marketing team at MLFTC for shooting and creating the video. “d sign” image created by Punya Mishra

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Photos from the AT&T Award ceremony

The award ceremony for the 2008 MSU-AT&T Instructional Technology Awards was last Friday. I drove back from Purdue in time to be there - mainly because I wanted to hear how people would respond to our faux radio interview 🙂 The event went off well, and people...

Uncreativity: An interview with Chris Bilton

Uncreativity: An interview with Chris Bilton

"un-creativity" design, invariant under rotation by 180-degrees In this article, in our ongoing series on Rethinking technology & creativity in the 21st century, we interview Dr. Chris Bilton, Reader at the Centre for Policy Studies at University of...

Pencil Literacy: A framework

Pencil Literacy: A framework

I have been thinking of pencils lately. Pencils in the context of AI. What if pencils were the latest technological change to hit our world? How would we as educators respond? Would we worry about children using them ethically? What about cheating: erasing answers and...

Photography update

I have continued adding photographs from the trip to my Flickr Site... I had posted about this earlier but I guess it is time for another reminder. There are now 380 photographs on the "Travels in Asia 2008" Flickr-set (and more coming soon). Go to the...

Technology & Education: A provocation

Technology & Education: A provocation

Jill Castek, at the University of Arizona, invited me to participate in an NSF funded workshop on developing "Principles for the equitable design of STEM learning environments." The event was being held at Bioshpere 2, which is this awesome place near Tucson. Because,...

White paper on TPACK

The Commonwealth Educational Media Center for Asia (CEMCA) recently published a report on ICT Integrated Teacher Education Models. One of the pieces in the report was by us. Here it is below: Koehler, M.J., Mishra, P., Akcoaglu, M. Rosenberg, J.M. (2013)....

A different vision of the web

T. H. Nelson coined the word "hypertext" and more than anyone else, and much earlier than anyone else, truly understood how computing technology would change the text and print. One of my most treasured possession is a copy of his double-book ("Computer Lib: You Can...

The end of the university II

From my end of the university as we know it series, here is another article, this time from The Washington Monthly, titled College for $99 a Month: The next generation of online education could be great for students—and catastrophic for universities. Here are some key...

Games, claims, genres & learning II

Aroutis Foster and I recently published a chapter in the Handbook of research on effective electronic gaming in education (I had posted about it earlier here). The handbook seeks to provide a comprehensive coverage of the use of electronic games in multiple fields....


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