by | Friday, October 21, 2022

I have been a huge fan of EdTechBooks for a long time. Their philosophy of making quality textbooks freely accessible for all resonates with me deeply. It is no surprise that I was excited to hear of their latest initiative: that of creating a living encyclopedia of educational technology (EdTechnica: The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology). You can read the original proposal here. As described on the website:

This encyclopedia is a living volume that provides an entry point for learning about the educational technology field and that evolves over time with additional contributions and resources. Representing the perspectives of educational technology researchers, instructors, designers, developers, and practitioners throughout the world, it includes short, focused articles on foundational topics ranging from learning and design concepts to emerging technologies to policies shaping the future of educational technology. Each article is peer-reviewed and intended to provide an expert and up-to-date understanding of the topic, while also providing a space for community contributors to share helpful resources related to the topic.

I was even more thrilled when I was invited to write for the encyclopedia—an introductory article on TPACK. Melissa Warr joined me in this task and I the article is now available online. Complete citation below:

Mishra, P. & Warr, M. (2022). TPACK: The TPACK Technology Integration Framework. EdTechnica: The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.

Let me also note that EdTechnica is accepting proposals for new articles and I strongly recommend other scholars to submit their ideas to the editorial team. The encyclopedia has the potential to be an amazing resource for all those who are interested in educational technology, and one that will only grow in importance over time. But this will be possible only if people volunteer their expertise and time to the project. Speaking from personal experience, I will just say, that Royce Kimmons (and his team) do a phenomenal job of shepherding authors through the entire process of writing, reviewing and publishing.

Topics related to this post: Housekeeping | Learning | Publications | Research | Teaching | Technology | TPACK

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