Word cloud, redux

by | Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I guess I could not get enough of the Wordle application. So here are some more that I created since yesterday.

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger picture:

wordle   wordle
Word map created from the all the words used in Mishra & Koehler 2006 (TCRecord article) & Koehler & Mishra 2008 (Handbook chapter) on TPACK   Word map created from the all the words used in Mishra & Koehler 2006 (TCRecord article) on TPACK
wordle   wordle
Word map created from the all the words used in my official vita. (it is no wonder that Mishra is the largest word there – the vita is an ego trip after all)   Word map created from the all the words used in David Wong’s article on ideas as fashion. Clearly fashion plays a bigger role in the paper than the ideas 🙂
wordle   wordle
Word map created from the all the words used in the syllabus for CEP818, Creativity in Teaching & Learning taught in the fall semester of 2008 (with Mike DeSchryver)   The first of two word maps created from the words on the websites RSS feed
The second of two word maps created from the words on the websites RSS feed    

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Personal | Representation | Technology

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STEM Ed & Robotics: A foreword

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Cybernetics, design & creativity

Cybernetics, design & creativity

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Create… Emergence!

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Interesting links

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Solving the rubik cube, blindfolded

A YouTube video of Soham solving the rubic cube blindfolded! [youtube width="425" height="355"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymi-iG8uhR4[/youtube] [Thanks for Michael Gondry for the idea.]


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