EPET in the Spotlight!

by | Monday, March 18, 2013

The current issue of TechTrends (Volume 57, Issue 3, March 2013) is a special spotlight issue, and the spotlight this time around is on the Educational Psychology and Educational Technology Programs at Michigan State University! This special spotlight issue was edited by myself with help from Laura Terry and Danah Henriksen. A special thanks to Abbie Brown (former editor of the journal for starting the process) and Dan Surry and Chuck Hodges for all their help and hand-holding to bring it to fruition. Thanks also to all the authors for being thoughtful and prompt and dealing with our idiosyncratic editorial demands.

Most importantly thanks to all our faculty, staff and students without whose hard work and creativity we would have no programs, assignments, or achievements to write about.

Here are the articles:

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Psychology & torture: A sad mix

Martin Seligman is one of the most eminent psychologists alive today. As his wikipedia page says, "He is well known for his work on the idea of "learned helplessness", and more recently, for his contributions to leadership in the field of Positive Psychology." He has...

TPACK @ Henrico

The Innovative Educator had a recent post about how the "Henrico County School system has adopted TPACK as the Framework for professional development and 21st Century Learning." Read the complete story Using TPACK as a Framework for Tech PD, Integration and...

MAET Words: 123 creators – 1 cool video

This summer over 120 educators met in three different locations both here in the US and overseas, as a part of the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program hybrid classes. The video below, visualizing a quote by Steve Jobs, was created by all of us -...

Vinit Masram (1988 – 2023)

Vinit Masram (1988 – 2023)

I found out about Vinit Masram's passing a week or so go. I did not know Vinit personally, having met him just once, at IDC's Golden Jubilee celebrations in 2020. But the news of his death hit me hard. I had been a fan of his work for a long time - having stumbled on...

Introducing David Pogue

Introducing David Pogue

My college (The Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College) was one of the sponsors of the Arizona School Board Association Annual Conference. As a part of this, we got the privilege to introduce and have lunch with the keynote speaker. As it turns out the keynote speaker...

2013 Michigan Creative Educators Summit

I was invited to speak at the Michigan Creative Educators Summit organized by The DeWitt Creativity Group at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University. It was an amazing morning (sadly I could not stay for the entire day). What was most amazing...

Looking for a one good person, i.e. #MAET is hiring

I'm excited to announce that the MAET program is hiring a new team member. The official posting is below (or you can go here). The posting closes on September 30 - email all of the application materials to edutech@msu.edu CNS ED PSYSPC ED - SPECIALIST-OUTRCH Posting...

Goldbach is back! New math poem

I guess once the bug bites, it never really lets go. So here's another poem (to follow this and this and this). As it turns out this is my second poem on the Goldbach Conjecture. I realized after I had written the first one that I had actually messed up the history a...

EDUsummIT 2019: eBook released

EDUsummIT 2019: eBook released

EduSummIT is a global community of policy-makers, researchers, and educators working together to move education into the digital age. EDUsummIT has been convening every two years since 2009. In each case the participants focus on some significant theme relevant to...


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