Play & Creativity Across the Lifespan

by | Friday, May 29, 2020

As a part of our series of conversations with creativity scholars we recently spoke with Dr. Sandra Russ, Louis D. Beaumont University Professor, and interim dean at the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Russ is an expert on creativity and play and our conversation we explored her research on pretend play and creativity, the importance of nurturing play and creativity across the lifespan; as well as the role of play and creativity during crisis situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Complete citation and link below. Enjoy

Singha, S., Warr, M., Mishra, P., Henriksen, D. & the Deep-Play Research Group (2020). Playing with Creativity Across the Lifespan: a Conversation with Dr. Sandra Russ.

Note: A complete list of articles in this series (Rethinking Technology & Creativity in the 21st Century) can be found here; and, the interviews with creativity researchers can be found here.

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