The futility of existence

by | Sunday, January 24, 2010

I stumbled across this little machine that shuts itself off once it has been switched on! How cool is that. I don’t have an clue whom to credit it to and would appreciate a heads up on that. I was reminded of the myth of Sisyphus which led to a great piece of hand-drawn animation on YouTube. So here they are… somewhat apt images for a dull, dreary day in mid-Michigan.

You can watch the Sisyphus youtube video here. And here is a link to another small animated gif about Sisyphus.

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  1. Facebook Layouts

    Good design and innovative idea…

  2. Oscar@hypnosisstories

    Great article! I will definitely come back and visit your site again when I have more time.



  1. The existence of futility | Punya Mishra's Web - [...] have written about the value of seeing humor in the futility of existence (see this and this) but humor…
  2. The futility of existence Part II: What now? | Punya Mishra's Web - [...] | Explore, Create, Share… the videos | 7 tools… one big job: Video Explore II | The futility of…

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