Orissa Folklore

by | Monday, September 01, 2008

Just got an email from a fellow Mishra (no relationship, at least I don’t know of any), Dr. Mahendra Mishra who works as the state tribal education coordinator in my home state of Orissa as a part of it’s Primary Education Program (more at www.opepa.in).

Mahendra He is also a folklorist and has published extensively (both in English and Oriya). Though much of his writing is not available online I would recommend visiting the published articles section of his website – for some fascinating articles about oral traditions in Orissa. I have never lived for any length of time in Orissa (having grown up pretty much all over north and north-east India) so this is a great resource for me to learn more about the folklore of own state.

Topics related to this post: Art | India | Orissa | Personal | Stories

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