Master’s course wins ATT Award

by | Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just got the news from Carrie Albin, Outreach Coordinator of our Educational Technology Certificate Program (which is part of our Master’s in Educational Technology program) that our CEP810 (Teaching for Understanding with Computers) course earned first place in the 2009 MSU-AT&T Instructional Technology Awards Fully Online Competition. As the initial email said, “The judges were very impressed by the integration of a portfolio system with rubrics.” Congratulations to Carrie and the entire team!

Side note: TE150, Reflections on Learning, a fully online course that Matt Koehler & I have been involved with (along with group of talented graduate students) had received the same award a year ago. Click here for details.

Topics related to this post: Design | Good | Bad Design | Learning | Online Learning | Teaching | Technology

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