Bic to vase: Cool idea

by | Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A vase for a daisy, made from a plastic bic pen. (Website here).

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Good | Bad Design | Photography

A few randomly selected blog posts…

The death of the university?

Zephyr Teachout (supposedly an associate law professor at Fordham University, a writer, and an online entrepreneur) has a great article on, titled Welcome to Yahoo! U: The Web will dismember universities, just like newspapers. His essential argument is...

How artists work

An interesting (and growing) collection of "habits, rituals and small (and occasionally big) methods people and teams use to get their work done. And in the specific anecdotes and the way people describe their own relationship to their own work." Kind of cool and...

Meeting Sanjaya Mishra

Yesterday I met with Sanjaya Mishra, a scholar and researcher in the area of distance education. Sanjaya and I first met at the Vidyakash conference a bunch of years ago and we clicked almost immediately. I always enjoy meeting up with him when I am in Delhi, though...

Happy Thanksgiving, 2 new ambigrams

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I wake up every day just feeling incredibly lucky for what I have - and to have a special day devoted to celebrating that idea... how very cool. So here are two new and unique ambigram designs to celebrate this wonderful day. The...

Questioning Assumptions: Podcast episode

Questioning Assumptions: Podcast episode

I was recently invited as a guest on the Better Learning Podcast. I had a great conversation with the host, Kevin Stoller (and boy does he have a voice designed for audio!). Turns out that we both went to Miami University, though our paths didn't overlap or intersect....

Education by Design, 1 year progress report

Education by Design, 1 year progress report

"Time" 180-degree rotationalchain ambigram © Punya Mishra I have been at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College for two years now (actually two years and a month, but who is counting). In many ways this has been an incredible two years, a period of personal and...

TPACK Newsletter #26, February 2016

TPACK Newsletter #26, February 2016

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #26: February 2016 Welcome to the twenty-sixth edition of the (approximately bimonthly) TPACK Newsletter! TPACK work is continuing worldwide. This document contains recent updates to that work that we hope will be interesting and useful to you,...

Happy Teacher’s Day (new ambigrams)

September 5 is Teacher's Day in India. It is celebrated on the birthdate of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Indian philosopher and statesman who was also the first Vice-President and the second President of India. He famously said, "teachers should be the best minds in the...

New ambigram logo for

I had written previously about a blog started by students in our Educational Psychology and Educational Technology Ph.D. program ( and had designed a couple of ambigrammatic logos for them. You can see the original post here. Here is one of the original...


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