How does my browser know I am Indian?

by | Thursday, August 07, 2008

Over the past few weeks I have noticed that some webpages I visit have banner ads that are targeted to me quite specifically – in particular to my Indian origin.

For instance this page (a story about ipods being used by the army) contains a set of banner ads that seek to find me a “perfect Indian partner in Michigan.” See the images below one from this page and another from a different website – whose URL I forgot to record.

I know they can figure out Michigan (or East Lansing) from my IP address – and I had seen these sort of geography-based targeted ads before. What surprised me about this latest set of advertisements is their focus on India. How did they figure that out? Is it because I follow some Desi Blogs (see blogroll on left?) or because I visit Indian news sites once in a while?

I wonder what advertisements other people are seeing when they visit these pages?

Combine this with how my browser history reveals my gender (something I had posted about earlier)… it just reinforces my thoughts on the end of practical obscurity.

And finally, just in case you think these guys know everything about me – that’s not really true. I am most emphatically NOT looking for any kind of matrimonial service… 🙂

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Stop motion fun

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Meta Poetry: I and II

Meta Poetry: I and II

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SITE 2008 Keynote

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The utopian/dystopian futures of online learning: New book chapter

The utopian/dystopian futures of online learning: New book chapter

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Creativity online & in maker spaces

Creativity online & in maker spaces

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Gandhi, ambigrams, creativity & the power of small pieces loosely joined

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Me & We in AI

Me & We in AI

What does generative AI mean to me? And to us? These key questions were part of a special exhibit curated by students in the DCI 691: Education by Design course I taught this fall. Education by Design is my favorite class to teach. It is a course about design—design...

Technology, Design & OofSI at E-Learn 2018

Technology, Design & OofSI at E-Learn 2018

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Creativity, risk-taking, education

Creativity, risk-taking, education

EduSummIT is a global community of policy-makers, researchers, and educators working together to move education into the digital age. The last EduSummit (2019) was held in Quebec, Canada and I was a member of Thematic Working Group 3 (TWG3) on Creativity for Teachers...


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