Stop motion fun

by | Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My daughter, Shreya, had some friends over yesterday and they created a short stop-motion animation film with the new setup in our basement. Enjoy


More videos made with my kids can be seen by clicking here.

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Film | Fun | Personal | Video | Worth Reading

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  1. Sherman Unkefer

    Excellent points, I completely agree on that…

  2. Gamefly

    Your daughter is really creative.I liked her film.

  3. Sydney

    Great information shared. Well done.

  4. Bali Top

    ya, I would like to try with my middle school technology class.

  5. Punya Mishra

    We used a digital video camera connected to a MacBook laptop running iStopMotion software. Final editing (and sound) was done using iMovie. I plan to post a picture of the setup in day or so.

  6. concretekax

    Could you explain the hardware and software used to create this? I would like to try with my middle school technology class.

  7. Matt

    Cool! One suggestion…. Are you setting focus, exposure, aperture and everything manually? It looks like it may be changing from frame to frame, and might look better if it stayed locked (manually).

    • Punya Mishra

      This was created by 5 different girls yelling, screaming, shrieking, shaking, all the while. It is a wonder anything was in focus at all 🙂

      And given this was the first time ever doing something like this (for most of them) I am amazing anything showed up at all 🙂


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