Origin-al Interface snafu!

by | Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Origins Project at ASU is an attempt to explore humankind’s most fundamental questions about our origins. As the website says, This project brings “together a diverse collection of the world’s leading scientists, scholars, and public intellectuals to discuss, and if possible create, new research opportunities associated with forefront issues ranging from the origin of the universe to the origins of life, modern humans, consciousness, culture, complex systems and technology.”

This weekend the focus is on climate change and a whole series of exciting public events have been announced including a Saturday evening film screening of Werner Herzog’s Salt and Fire followed by a conversation with the director himself! (Lot more details on the website linked above). 


So when I got a chance to snag some free tickets to this event I jumped at the opportunity. I could only make the event on Saturday but the website needed input on the Friday event as well. As you can see, from the screenshot below, the interface insisted that I fill in how many tickets I wanted even though I had said that I would NOT be able to make it on Friday. In essence I was answering the question “how many tickets did I not need!” It’s not a big deal at some level, but funny nonetheless.

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  1. Chris Murrell

    Hmmmm, seems they just don’t want to take “no” for an answer.

    • Punya Mishra

      Yes indeed. They followed it with an email telling me that I have tickets for both events, Friday AND Saturday, despite my expressly saying no to Friday 🙂


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