Robert Pirsig, 1928 – 2017

by | Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was one of those books that have influenced me deeply. I read it when I was in high school and read it again and again, almost obsessively for a while. It was my companion through college, graduate school and beyond. I assigned sections from it in my master’s and doctoral courses. This is a book that changed me, and its impact on my thinking resonates even today.

Robert Prisig died yesterday. I owe him, and his ideas, a great debt. In his homage, are two images I created today, once I heard the new, from one of my favorite quotes from the book.


Note: I edited the quote a bit when I created the designs. The complete (and accurate quote) is “The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or as the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of a mountain or in the petals of a flower.”

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Creativity and the urban STEM teacher

Creativity and the urban STEM teacher

I have written previously about the MSUrbanSTEM project and what it has meant to me. Over the past couple of years we have also published about this line of work (most prominently in a special issue of The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching)....

The Pledge, the Turn & the Prestige: Building teams

The Pledge, the Turn & the Prestige: Building teams

Making connections between the movie The Prestige, and the design of 2 activities to build trust and a shared vision in teams... As I have settled down at ASU and the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, my responsibilities have grown as well. I started as...

The fictions we create (& how they create us)

The fictions we create (& how they create us)

The fictions we create (& how they create us) This is a story about a multi-year quest and its resolution (thought not necessarily in the way I was expecting). It is also a story about stories: stories in books and stories that we make up. And how these stories,...

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #16, May 2013

  TPACK Newsletter, Issue #16: May 2013 Welcome to the sixteenth edition of the (approximately quarterly) TPACK Newsletter! TPACK work is continuing worldwide. This document contains recent updates to that work that we hope will be interesting and useful to you,...

The rise of TPACK

Matt Koehler just created a webpage that tracks the citations of our original TCRecord article, as reported by Google Scholar, in real time. The reference is as follows: Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A new...

Math Concepts by Gaurav Bhatnagar

Gaurav Bhatnagar is one of my oldest friends - going back to 8th grade in Modern School, Barakhamba Road. He recently published his first book on Mathematics for kids, titled, Get Smart: Maths Concepts, published by Penguin India. The book also has an associated blog...

Oh the Irony!

Astrological Magazine to close due to "unforseen circumstances." What could be funnier than that! I am including the screenshot above just in case the website goes down.

Artificial Intelligence, Math / Truth & other ambigrams

Artificial Intelligence, Math / Truth & other ambigrams

Lovers of mathematics relish challenges, enjoying the manipulation of numbers and geometrical figures, seeking and creating patterns. Their fascination sometimes extends into language and other seemingly unrelated domains. An intriguing example of visual wordplay,...


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