designing research | designing technology

by | Friday, December 05, 2008

Matt Koehler and I usually have a end of semester show-case of work done by the students in our classes. This semester Matt has been teaching CEP955 (Research design and methods for educational psychology and educational technology) and I have been involved with CEP917 (Knowledge | Media | Design). The end of semester showcase is coming up on the 10th of December (from 2:00 – 3:00 PM) in 133 D & E Erickson Hall. The students this year have done some really interesting work – which I will document here, hopefully sometime next week.

We usually design a special poster for the event (below).

If you are in / or around Erickson Hall, we hope to see you there.

Topics related to this post: Conference | Creativity | Design | Learning | Research | Teaching | Technology | TPACK | Worth Reading

A few randomly selected blog posts…

On becoming a website

I wrote this essay a few years ago, around the time I was going up for tenure. I saw writing this as a welcome change from the usual academic stuff I had been writing. I was bored and tired of taking on this third-person, impersonal intellectual voice and just wanted...

Students video premiere on

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Speaking of leadership

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TE150 wins MSU-AT&T Award

Matt Koehler and I just arrived in New York, 3 hours late, checked into our hotel, paid 14.95 for internet - and guess what it was all worth it. One of the first emails I had received informed us that we had won the 2008 MSU-AT&T Instructional Technology Awards...

Back from India…

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WHY: The most important question of all

Why do anything at all? This blog post is a collection of videos and images that I have collected over time that speak to the pointlessness of trying to find an answer to this question and how one question, even if answered, leads to many more. This is the kind of...


I often do an assignment with my students where they go looking for letterforms in nature. Leigh Wolf just sent me this link to which takes the same idea - but conceptualizes it on a global scale. Check out this example.

TPACK as one solution

TPACK as one solution

The Consortium of School Networking (COSN) is one of the leading associations for school system technology leaders. COSN recently released the first of three publications in their series on Driving K-12 Innovation: Hurdles 2019. The goal of this series is to...

The OofSI/PI 2019 Report

The OofSI/PI 2019 Report

We are a busy group here up on the 4th floor of the Farmer Educational Building—the space where the teams from the Office of Scholarship & Innovation and Principled Innovation hang out. To be fair, we do more than just hang out. There is quite a bit of work...


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