Back from India…

by | Monday, August 25, 2008

Got back yesterday from a short, hectic but sweet trip to India. I had a wonderful time and still have a lot to do to just document all that happened and connect with all the people I met (hopefully over the next few weeks)… but now it is time to get back to fall semester business. I am teaching two courses this semester, CEP917, my doctoral seminar on design and, a new fully-online course, CEP817 CEP818 Creativity in Teaching & Learning. Of course, the online version of TE150 (jointly supervised by Matt Koehler) continues with Andrea and Tae as TA’s, and they seem to be doing a wonderful job.

Topics related to this post: Housekeeping | India | Personal

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Teacher knowledge for 21st century learning: New article

Click on diagram to download a hi-res version This article has been a while coming... but our paper on an analysis of 21st century learning frameworks and implications for teacher knowledge is finally in print. A previous version of the paper can be found here. Here...

SITE 2008: A postview

We got back home from SITE 2008 (Las Vegas) last night and there lots of things worth posting but this will have to be brief. The keynote presentation by Matt and myself went of quite well. It was a gamble, an attempt at a creative mashup of presentations styles...

Designing learning futures through reflective practice: 2 of 2

Designing learning futures through reflective practice: 2 of 2

This is the second of two posts on the topic of bringing principled innovation practices to designing learning futures. In this post (by Cristy Guleserian & Punya Mishra) we dive deeper into how these practices of PI connect with our model of design. In particular...

Media, Cognition & Society through History:  A Mapping

Media, Cognition & Society through History: A Mapping

If oral cultures prioritize memory and print cultures emphasize systematic organization, what types of knowledge will AI systems foster? Marie Heath and I wrote this line in a chapter that is currently in press. But the idea underlying this quote has been with me for...

Happy 2009, a stop motion movie

Soham, Shreya and I spent this afternoon making a couple of stop-motion animation new year's card. Check it out... Have a great 2009!      

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #15, March (Special Conference Issue) 2013

  TPACK Newsletter, Issue #15: March 2013 Special Spring 2013 Conference Issue Below please find a listing of TPACK-related papers/sessions that will be presented at the SITE conference in March in New Orleans, Louisiana; at the AERA annual meeting in April in...

Blogging has been light

the past few days, primarily due to "beginning semester" blues. I hope to get back to full strength pretty soon... there are bunch of things I would like to blog about just a question of finding the time 🙁

The “O” in Obama

Steven Heller continues his series on political typography and branding with an interview with the design team that developed the now iconic symbol for the Obama campaign. Check out The "O" in Obama. Previous postings on this theme can be found here and here.

A year of blogging

It was exactly a year ago, on the first of January 2008, that I began blogging (see first posting here). When I started I wasn't sure how well this blogging thing would work out. Now 12 months and 376 posts later - I have to say that I have truly enjoyed this. I had...


  1. Punya Mishra

    Thanks. Force of habit I guess. I have fixed it now.

  2. leigh

    CEP 818! 🙂


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