Got back yesterday from a short, hectic but sweet trip to India. I had a wonderful time and still have a lot to do to just document all that happened and connect with all the people I met (hopefully over the next few weeks)… but now it is time to get back to fall semester business. I am teaching two courses this semester, CEP917, my doctoral seminar on design and, a new fully-online course, CEP817 CEP818 Creativity in Teaching & Learning. Of course, the online version of TE150 (jointly supervised by Matt Koehler) continues with Andrea and Tae as TA’s, and they seem to be doing a wonderful job.
Teachers ARE designers (in many different ways)
One of the pleasures of academia is working with awesome graduate students. This paper is an example of such a collaboration. Melissa Warr, for some reason or the other, decided to do a network analysis of some of the top-cited papers related to teaching and design....
Thanks. Force of habit I guess. I have fixed it now.
CEP 818! 🙂