New webinar on TPACK

by | Saturday, November 01, 2014


Matt Koehler and I recently participated on a webinar titled Teachers as Designers of Technology, Pedagogy, and Content (TPACK) organized by and Commonsense Education. We had over 200+ viewers from all over the world (New Zeeland, Israel, Morroco, Canada being some of the countries represented). The webinar was quite fun and you can view it in its entirety here

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Seeing mathematics everywhere…

Dame Kathleen Ollernshaw was deaf since the age of 8. Despite this she had an amazing life as a mathematician, amateur astronomer, politician (she served as mayor of Manchester as well as in the Thatcher administration) and mother. To learn more about her read this...

Tasteless and offensive

Checking up on urban legends leads to tasteless and offensive error message. I recently received a forwarded email from a friend that listed a bunch of top-notch, companies that were filing for bankruptcy. The list included Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Circuit City,...

TPACK in Science: New book & chapter

I was invited to write an epilogue for a new book on the development of science teachers TPACK (with a specific focus on East Asia), and I "volunteered" my colleague Danah Henriksen to help with it (thanks Danah). The book was recently published. Here is the citation...

The media debate, politically speaking

There is a recurring debate in the ed-tech community about if media make a difference. One argument is that media is akin to a conveyance system bringing in supplies (content). At some level it doesn't matter if the content is brought by a truck or a train, a bullock...

Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures

In honor of the movie "Hidden Figures" here is a new figure-ground ambigram. Enjoy.

On performing one’s identity: A thought inspired by Jonathan Miller

It is difficult, in a world buffeted by change, to know what to hold on to. I often wonder about this when thinking of teaching and learning, when thinking of the speed at which technology is changing the world we live in... What do we hold on to? What do we let go?...

The font of truth i.e. the beauty of Baskerville

I have been a great fan of Baskerville, the font for a long time. I love the manner it looks on a page and most importantly I love its italic ampersand! Check it out below... isn't that beautiful. I remember setting my doctoral dissertation in Baskerville and...

AERA 2013 – San Francisco, Photos

AERA 2013 - San Francisco, a set on Flickr.Photographs from the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2013 at San Francisco. It was great meeting up with friends and colleagues, present two talks and take in some of the sights. Enjoy.

TPACK Newsletter #20: May 2014

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #20: May 2014Welcome to the twentieth edition of the (approximately bimonthly) TPACK Newsletter! TPACK work is continuing worldwide. This document contains recent updates to that work that we hope will be interesting and useful to you, our...

1 Comment

  1. R.J. Gravel

    Thanks so much for posting this webinar. Another great discussion about TPACK. Hope to see you both around soon!


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