Browsing for gender

by | Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Just found out about this rather nifty tool that looks at your browser history and estimates your gender. My personal results were as follows:

Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 24%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 76%

Try it out for yourself, or read more about how your gender is estimated here…

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Visually representing a song

How can anybody resist this flowchart / visual representation of Hey Jude! Check it out. Don't you just hear the song as you move through the boxes and arrows.

GenAI is Racist. Period. 

GenAI is Racist. Period. 

Note: The shared blogging with Melissa Warr and Nicole Oster continues. I crafted the student essay, Melissa generated the data using her magical GPT skills. I wrote the first draft which was then edited by Melissa and Nicole.    Imagine you are a...

The futility of existence

I stumbled across this little machine that shuts itself off once it has been switched on! How cool is that. I don't have an clue whom to credit it to and would appreciate a heads up on that. I was reminded of the myth of Sisyphus which led to a great piece of...

The Allegory of the Cave

Plato's Allegory of the Cave (see Wikipedia entry) illustrates "our nature in its education and want of education." It is maybe one of the most famous allegories in literature and philosophy, a precursor to the kinds of mind-games (think brain in a vat) that...

Cyborgs are us!

Are we becoming cyborgs? William Saletan has a recent article in Slate titled Full Metal Socket about this issue. As he says: Cyborgs aren't studs from the future. They're old folks. As we age, our parts wear out. That used to mean immobility or death. Today, we can...

The tensions inherent in creativity

The tensions inherent in creativity

The next article in our series (Rethinking technology and creativity for the 21st century) for the journal Tech Trends is now available online. This article has an interview with Dr. Mark Runco, Distinguished Research Fellow of the American...

The darker side of curiosity

The darker side of curiosity

Curiosity, the willingness to learn more, is often seen as a positive trait one that drives learning, and one can argue, it drives creativity and innovation. It has been argued as being important for leadership, among other things. I have prized curiosity in my own...

Modeling human behavior: The new dark art of silicon sampling

Modeling human behavior: The new dark art of silicon sampling

A couple of months ago I had written this post, On merging with our technologies – which was essentially quotes from a conversation Ezra Klein had with the novelist Mohsin Hamid. I finished the post with a quote speaking the dangers of predictive technologies on human...

A systems view of technology infusion

A systems view of technology infusion

One of the significant changes in my way of thinking about technology integration has been a shift in focus—away from designing training and programs that target individual teachers to designing systems (both at K12 and higher education levels) that support teachers...


  1. leigh

    Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 96%
    Likelihood of you being MALE is 4%

  2. DIrkin

    I clear Firefox’s private data every time I quit the app to cut down on data mining my browser by sites and to stop the leaching of my private information for others gain (here’s looking at you Google!). So, I happened to go straight to this site to get some info on TPACK for a project, saw this post and decided to see what would gender I’d be only having visited & of course the prediction site. It predicted:

    Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 50%
    Likelihood of you being MALE is 50%

    Does that mean your site is gender neutral?


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