TPCK (a.k.a TPACK) as Article of the Week!!

by | Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Teachers College Record chooses a couple of articles each week to offer freely to visitors to its website. These are featured in their email newsletter (TCRecord this week), and goes out to thousands of people. Imagine my surprise when I opened my newsletter a few minutes ago. Turns out that the article chosen this week is none other than the 2006 piece written by Matt Koehler and myself, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge! That’s pretty cool.

Topics related to this post: News | Publications | Research | Teaching | Technology | TPACK

A few randomly selected blog posts…

The strange beast that is higher ed

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RickRolled by AI

RickRolled by AI

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TPACK Newsletter, #42 Nov. 2019

TPACK Newsletter, #42 Nov. 2019

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AI in teaching & learning: A critical response (by AI)

AI in teaching & learning: A critical response (by AI)

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Ambigrams in new book

The Art of Deception: Illusions to Challenge the Eye and the Mind is a new book edited by Brad Honeycutt. Brad is a graduate of Michigan State (Go Spartans!) and maintains a blog (anopticalillusion) devoted to optical illusions. A few of my designs have ended up on...

Religious & Magical Thinking, the Darwinian way

Two interesting articles about religions and magical thinking. The first from the Economist is about how scientists are attempting to explain religion in evolutionary terms. As the article says, "religion cries out for a biological explanation," though previous...

Harvard Open Access update

An update to my previous posting regarding Harvard adopting a open access requirement to all it faculty. It seems that the proposal has been approved. See this news story on the website. Stuart M. Shieber, a professor of computer science at Harvard who...

New ambigram: Nirvaan

My friend, Hartosh (I had written previously about his mathematical novel here ) and his wife Pam, recently had their second child, a baby boy. Since I had created an ambigram for the first guy (click here to see the ambigram for Nihal), I felt it was required of me...

Multiple representations of the periodic table and learning

Mishra & Yadav (2006) was a paper based around my dissertation research. It took a while to get published and I am including it here for the record. My dissertation (Mishra, 1998) was maybe the first place where I made a specific mention of the triad of...


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