TPCK (a.k.a TPACK) as Article of the Week!!

by | Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Teachers College Record chooses a couple of articles each week to offer freely to visitors to its website. These are featured in their email newsletter (TCRecord this week), and goes out to thousands of people. Imagine my surprise when I opened my newsletter a few minutes ago. Turns out that the article chosen this week is none other than the 2006 piece written by Matt Koehler and myself, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge! That’s pretty cool.

Topics related to this post: News | Publications | Research | Teaching | Technology | TPACK

A few randomly selected blog posts…

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Embodied Thinking: New article

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Special issue on TPACK in Context, with a new & improved model

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London Underground Map

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Technology integration, looking forward to the past

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What can design do for you?

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TPACK Newsletter, Issue #16, May 2013

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BAIS: Implicit Bias in AI systems

BAIS: Implicit Bias in AI systems

Update September 20, 2024): This article is now published and can be found here: Warr, M., Oster, N. J., & Isaac, R. (2024). Implicit bias in large language models: Experimental proof and implications for education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education,...


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