Kurt, Mishra & Kocoglu at SITE2013: TPACK in language learning

by | Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I just presented a paper based on a dissertation completed by Gokce Kurt currently at Marmara University, Dept. of English Language Teaching, Istanbul, Turkey. Gokce got in touch with me a few years ago as she was preparing for her dissertation. We “met” through email and skype as she designed her research study. Fast forward a few years, and I was proud to be invited to serve on her dissertation committee. Below is a photo of her skype based dissertation meeting – a first for me!


Gokce could not make it to New Orleans and so it was my privilege to present her dissertation research here at SITE. An abstract, copy of her slides, and her paper are archived below. 

Kurt, G., Mishra, P., & Kocoglu, Z. (2013, March). Technological pedagogical content knowledge development of Turkish pre-service teachers of English. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, New Orleans, LA. Abstract retrieved from http://academicexperts.org/conf/site/2013/papers/38476/

Abstract: Changes having occurred in the field of education have affected the body of knowledge that teachers need to promote successful language learning of their students (van Olphen, 2008). The present study aims to examine the TPACK development of Turkish PTs of English as they participated into a study explicitly focusing on the framework of TPACK and designed following Learning Technology by Design approach. Participants were 22 PTs enrolled in the ELT program of a state university in Istanbul, Turkey. During the 12-week study, PTs were informed about the TPACK framework, explored various technologies collaboratively, developed technological materials, designed technology-integrated lessons and taught in a real classroom setting. Data came from the adapted version of the Survey of Pre-service Teachers’ Knowledge of Teaching and Technology (Schmidt, et al., 2009). Results showed that there was a statistically significant increase in TK, TCK, TPK and TPACK scores of PTs of English from the beginning to the end of the study.

You can download her paper here and slides here or embedded below:

Topics related to this post: Conference | Learning | Publications | Research | Teaching | Technology | TPACK | Worth Reading

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  1. TPACK | Gökçe Kurt - […] Skype as one of the members of the committee. An unforgettable experience for me! Here is the post he wrote about my…

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