Friday the 13th

by | Friday, November 13, 2015

A design for Friday the 13th (shamelessly building on an original idea from Nikita Prokhorov) friday13


Topics related to this post: Ambigrams | Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Personal | Plagiarism | Puzzles | Representation | Worth Reading

A few randomly selected blog posts…

For Sean & his students

Sean had this wonderful post on his blog (Is this a sluggish strategy?) about this whole scientific and mathematical poetry that is going around. He links to some excellent sci-po's written by his students (see Pushing Scientific Thought Into Art) and also provides a...

Science teachers and social justice

Science teachers and social justice

I have been editing a series of articles for iWonder: Rediscovering School Science, a practitioner orientated journal for middle school science teachers, published by the Azim Premji University. Our first article was titled "Why teachers should care of...

Word cloud, redux

I guess I could not get enough of the Wordle application. So here are some more that I created since yesterday. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger picture:   Word map created from the all the words used in Mishra & Koehler 2006 (TCRecord article) &...

Perceiving & Patterning as skills essential for creativity

We have been writing a series of articles for Tech Trends titled Rethinking Technology & Creativity in the 21st Century. You can see the full list here. One of the key focus areas of these articles is on what we call trans-disciplinary thinking i.e. a set of...


Maggie Niess has a new piece titled Knowledge Needed for Teaching With Technologies – Call it TPACK published in the spring 08 issue of AMTE Connections. For those of you who don’t know, AMTE stands for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and you can find...

It’s a wonderful world

My 12 year old son, Soham, has never been into music. An MP3 player I bought for him languishes somewhere in his room. So you can imagine my surprise when, a few months ago, he indicated an interest in a song, Louis Armstrong's What a wonderful world. So this posting...

véjà du, on seeing anew

I recently learned about véjà du (see here to learn more). I was sufficiently intrigued by this idea to use this as an assignment in the CEP818, Creativity in Teaching and Learning course I am currently teaching (with Mike DeSchryver). The assignment students were...

Textbooks meet Bittorrent!

NYTimes article on how publishers are responding to the advent of peer-to-peer sharing of textbook files. Check out First It Was Song Downloads. Now It’s Organic Chemistry.


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