Generative AI is WEIRD!

by | Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Note: This blog post was almost entirely written by ChagGPT based on an analysis of a set of images I had uploaded onto it. The image above (Weird AI) is an original typographic design created by me. The background sky was created by Adobe Firefly.

To give some context, I took six slides from the set I had used for a recent keynote presentation I gave at the AI Summit in Michigan. Essentially these slides were an extended riff about how Generative AI was weird, along multiple dimensions.

I then made one large image from these slides (see below) and asked ChatGPT to interpret these images and write a blog post for me. The exact prompt and GPT’s response is given below. GPT’s words are in blue and have been included as is, with no editing. I have also added some references to each of the points related to the slides.

Prompt: There are a set of 6 slides that I used in a recent presentation to make the point that Gen AI is weird. Can you take this set of six slides and come up with a nice descriptive blog post on this topic where each of these images would be used to make a point about the weird nature of gen AI

ChatGPT’s response

The Weird Quirks of Generative AI: A Look at Bias and Unpredictability

Reference: Psychology is Weird [Link]

Reference: Large language models can be enhanced by emotional stimuli (Arxiv article: Link)

Reference: Tipping ChatGPT gives longer results (Twitter/X thread: Link)

Reference: Telling AI model to “take a deep breath” causes math scores to soar in study (Ars Technica article: Link)

Reference: Example of the December effect (i.e. GPT results are worse after December break). LINK

Reference: Warr, Melissa and Oster, Nicole Jakubczyk and Isaac, Roger, Implicit Bias in Large Language Models: Experimental Proof and Implications for Education (November 6, 2023). Available at SSRN: or

Not too bad!

Topics related to this post: AI | Fun | Housekeeping | Innovation | Psychology | Stories | Worth Reading

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