Announcing the Numeroscriptor, great quote

by | Tuesday, December 01, 2009

What a wonderful quote…

Already every bank of any importance probably uses calculating machines. It is not likely that the fatiguing and uncertain process of having arithmetical calculations of any sort performed in the brains of clerks will survive the improvements of which these machines are capable. Account books, invoices, and all similar documents will doubtless be written by a convenient and compendious form of combined calculating machine and typewriter, which we may suppose to be called the numeroscriptor. … It will make any kind of calculation required. Even such operations as the weighing and measurement of goods will all be done by automatic machinery, capable of recording without any possibility of error the quantity and values of goods submitted to its operation.– T. Baron Russell, A Hundred Years Hence, 1906

(H/T Futility Closet)

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1 Comment

  1. Brown

    Numeroscriptor quote – haha I enjoyed the quote. Its different 🙂


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