
by | Monday, March 16, 2020

afternoon walk
lingering on the shore line
time for reflection


Reflections © Punya Mishra.
All photos taken with my iPhone, over the years.
(published 2/27/20, revised with new photos 3/16/20)

On Reflection: Haiku by Catherine from her website: Still Standing on her head

Topics related to this post: Aesthetics | Art | ASU | Creativity | Design | Fun | Personal | Photography | Representation | Worth Reading

A few randomly selected blog posts…

The futility of existence

I stumbled across this little machine that shuts itself off once it has been switched on! How cool is that. I don't have an clue whom to credit it to and would appreciate a heads up on that. I was reminded of the myth of Sisyphus which led to a great piece of...

COVID19 & Education

COVID19 & Education

The COVID19 crisis has disrupted education globally at an unprecedented scale. In some ways, we are living through the largest educational social experiment in history! Over the past year I have been involved in a range of initiatives, discussions, interviews, and...

From Crayons to AI: New article (10 years of writing)

From Crayons to AI: New article (10 years of writing)

Ten years ago, we, The Deep Play Research Group, were invited to write a regular series of articles for this journal exploring the relationship between technology, creativity and learning. To celebrate this anniversary, we decided to write two summary/ synthesis...

Slipping into uncanny valley

MindHacks has a great post related to some of my previous postings about anthropomorphizing interactive artifacts (see here and here) - just that this time these artifacts under discussion are robots. As it turns out, sometime too much similarity between humans and...

India Breakfast, a photo report

The India themed breakfast at the College of Education, a kick-off for India Week, was a great success. [Here is a previous blog entry announcing this (and other) events.] I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who helped out, and also provide...

Chiayi, Chung Cheng & on to Kuosheng

I had been looking forward to the high speed rail journey though I had some concerns about navigating through the train station since most of the signs were in Chinese and Waiway (the graduate student who had come to pick me up from the airport) could not come with me...

John McCain, RIP

John McCain, RIP

• • • • • • • • •John Sidney McCain IIIAugust 29, 1936 – August 25, 2018 The above image is a visual / typographic representationof one his favorite quotesfrom For whom the bell tolls,by Ernest Hemingway Image © punyamishra

Impact of technology v.s. chewing gum on learning

Just got this from Tom Reeves at the CIMA conference, Twente University. Allen, K. L., Galvis, D., Katz, R. V. (2006). Evaluation of CDs and chewing gum in teaching dental anatomy. The New York state dental journal. 72(4): pp 30-33. Abstract: The purposes of this...

Shape of the earth, top 10 reasons

I have written previously about determining the shape of the earth... for instance, here is a post on seeing the shape of the earth using eclipses. (A somewhat similar effect could be seen in my photo of the moon during a lunar eclipse). On the web, I found another...


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