Words in 3 Dimensions

by | Thursday, July 25, 2019

A few weeks ago I started doodling words in 3 dimensions, for no particular reason, and before I knew it I had a bunch of interesting designs. Here is a sample:

A bit of goofing around with Keynote and some royalty free music from Kevin McLeod, and I had a little video to share. Enjoy.

These designs are sketched first by hand on paper (usually during meetings) and then traced / de-designed on my iPad using the Adobe Creative Suite Illustrator App. What I didn’t realized at first is that the app lets you create a movie as well, tracking your moves as you sketch. Here are a few that I saved.

Topics related to this post: Aesthetics | Ambigrams | Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Personal | Puzzles | Representation | Video | Worth Reading

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