EduSummIT 2015: Summary Report

by | Tuesday, November 10, 2015

EDUsummIT 2015 (International Summit on ICT in Education) is a global knowledge building community of researchers, educational practitioners, and policy makers committed to supporting the effective integration of research and practice in the field of ICT in education. EDUsummIT 2015 was co-­hosted by UNESCO Bangkok and Curtin University, and sponsored by Blackboard. The theme of EDUsummIT 2015, Technology Advanced Quality Learning For All. Nine thematic working groups (TWG) were formed in the beginning of 2015. These groups included:

  • TWG1: Smart partnerships
  • TWG2: Advancing mobile learning in formal and informal settings
  • TWG3: Professional development for policy makers, school leaders and teachers
  • TWG4: Addressing gaps and promoting educational equity
  • TWG5: Assessment as, for, and of learning in the 21st century
  • TWG6: Creativity in a technology enhanced curriculum
  • TWG7: Indicators of quality technology-­enhanced teaching and learning
  • TWG8: Digital citizenship and cyberwellness
  • TWG9: Curriculum -­advancing understanding of the roles of CS/Informatics in the curriculum

In the following TWG reports, each group has summarized the background and context of its theme of study, the issues and challenges, recommendations they proposed to researchers, policy makers and educational practitioners, and the action plan to move forward. <This blog post is a lightly edited version from the introduction by Kwok?Wing Lai, University of Otago College of Education, New Zealand>.  Enjoy.

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Buttoning on to a trend

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The civilizing effects of technology

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Tactical creativity in sports

Tactical creativity in sports

Daniel Memmert is Professor and Executive Head of the Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics at the German Sport University Cologne. A lifelong sports player and enthusiast, Memmert’s research is at the intersection of human movement science, sport...

Educational Technology @ MSU

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  1. ESC515 Mod3 – Hardware, Barriers and Solutions – Technology for Effective Learning - […] international EDUsummIT held in 2009. Many of these findings (which remain central to the 2011 and 2015 EDUsummITs) are…

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