Designing 917: A conversation

by | Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Danah Henriksen and I taught CEP917 (Knowledge Media Design) last semester. This was a somewhat unique class, with half the students being present here on campus and the other half online. We met synchronously once every two weeks and the rest of the class happened through the course website. We recently created a video introducing our experience in designing and teaching this class.

It was fun to make – though I wish we had a bit more time to get it just right – but a big part of design is knowing when to stop! Anyway, enjoy the video:

A few randomly selected blog posts…

TE150 & the hope of audacity

Matt Koehler and I were asked to create an audio introduction to TE150 for the ATT and MSU award ceremony, and website. It is amazing what three people can do in a couple of hours, given a microphone and Audacity (the open source audio editing software). Check it out...

The strange beast that is higher ed

I have blogged previously about the challenges faced by higher education (here and here), exacerbated (or maybe revealed) by new technologies. Here is an essay by Charles Murray -- not a person I thought I would ever cite approvingly 🙂 He has a recent essay in WSJ...

Silly me: Narrated poems for our crazy times

Silly me: Narrated poems for our crazy times

Shreya and I created a video a few months back consisting of a series of narrated poems written by her (and to be fair, a few by me as well ). It was just a fun, pandemic-related project created for the Sun Devil Learning Labs (SDLL). These labs were a streaming...

SITE 2008 Keynote

The SITE Keynote presentation by Matt Koehler and myself is finally ready to release to the world. I know converting 350 sildes, and synching them to the narration was a huge task - and Matt has already spent countless hours on this. He ended up with a 60 GB file...


Mumbai, 11/26/08 Nov. 27: School children hold candles as they pay tribute to the victims of terrorist attacks in Mumbai at a school in Ahmadabad, India, on Thursday. (Photo credit: The last few days have been very strange... dream and nightmare in...

Browsing for gender

Just found out about this rather nifty tool that looks at your browser history and estimates your gender. My personal results were as follows: Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 24% Likelihood of you being MALE is 76% Try it out for yourself, or read more about how...

Yet another stop-motion movie

One Nikon D70, two bored kids, one snowy day... and 49 seconds of fun. Check out the latest stop-motion goofiness! You could also see the 12 Days of Christmas, desi style (the original can be found here) as rendered by Shreya...

The Pledge, the Turn & the Prestige: Building teams

The Pledge, the Turn & the Prestige: Building teams

Making connections between the movie The Prestige, and the design of 2 activities to build trust and a shared vision in teams... As I have settled down at ASU and the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, my responsibilities have grown as well. I started as...


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