Designing 917: A conversation

by | Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Danah Henriksen and I taught CEP917 (Knowledge Media Design) last semester. This was a somewhat unique class, with half the students being present here on campus and the other half online. We met synchronously once every two weeks and the rest of the class happened through the course website. We recently created a video introducing our experience in designing and teaching this class.

It was fun to make – though I wish we had a bit more time to get it just right – but a big part of design is knowing when to stop! Anyway, enjoy the video:

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Artificial Intelligence, Math / Truth & other ambigrams

Artificial Intelligence, Math / Truth & other ambigrams

Lovers of mathematics relish challenges, enjoying the manipulation of numbers and geometrical figures, seeking and creating patterns. Their fascination sometimes extends into language and other seemingly unrelated domains. An intriguing example of visual wordplay,...

Oh the Irony!

Astrological Magazine to close due to "unforseen circumstances." What could be funnier than that! I am including the screenshot above just in case the website goes down.

The (type)face of Obama

As a follow-up to a previous posting about the many (type)faces of politics, here is an article in the NYTimes titled To the letter born, discussing the manner in which the Obama campaign has leveraged the use of typography in their campaign.

Why math ed sucks (not just in India)

My friend Hartosh Bal (author of A Certain Ambiguity, a mathematical novel) has a piece in Caravan Magazine titled "Why Fields medalists are unlikely to emerge from the Indian educational system." He mentions the fact that of the three winners of the Field's medal...

Flip/Flop: Goodbye 2022 – Welcome 2023

Flip/Flop: Goodbye 2022 – Welcome 2023

Since 2008 our family has been creating short videos to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another. Our videos are always typographical in nature with some kind of an AHA! moment or optical illusion built in. This year’s video is no different. Check it...

Meeting Sanjaya Mishra

Yesterday I met with Sanjaya Mishra, a scholar and researcher in the area of distance education. Sanjaya and I first met at the Vidyakash conference a bunch of years ago and we clicked almost immediately. I always enjoy meeting up with him when I am in Delhi, though...

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

 I feel lucky (and quite undeserving) for all that I have been given in this life. It is no surprise that Thanksgiving is my favorite day of the year. To celebrate Thanksgiving 2016 here is a new version an ambigram that I had made before.

Webs of activity in online teaching

Webs of activity in online teaching

Space filling web for the word "WEB"(created from the same shape repeated and rotated) I recently received a request (via ResearchGate) for something I had written back in 2004. In looking for it I realized that it had not been updated on my website. So below is...


Martin Luther King, Jr. January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968 Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted —in Strength to Love, 1964


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