Ambigrams on the web

by | Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Many years ago I got bitten by the Ambigram bug and before I knew it I had created hundreds! This was of course long before Dan Brown and Angels and Demons made ambigrams wildly popular. It has been fun to see what was once a fringe activity take on a wider popularity. There was a time that I could actually count the number of ambigram artists on the fingers of my hand, and, in fact, most of us knew each other, either formally or informally. Things are very different today as a Google search will easily reveal, but this also means that keeping track of all that is going on in the ambigram field is extremely difficult.

Over the past few months I have been talking with Mark Hunter a gentleman who is trying to make high quality ambigrams accessible to more people, and to raise awareness of ambigrams worldwide.  He is doing this through two different web sites.

He is also the owner of, which seeks to be an almost one stop site for all you need to know about ambigrams. He told me about how he spent a considerable sum to purchase the domain name and has worked hard to grow its membership. He has been quite successful in this and in fact they they recently announced their new Ambigrammy Awards! (How cool is that.) He also maintains a list of artists practicing this craft (your’s truly being one of them).

He also runs, a site dedicated to creating high quality ambigrams on demand. The results are actually quite good, far better than previous attempts to accomplish this task.  Don’t miss his demonstration short story made up of more than 30 ambigrams.

If you are interested in visual wordplay these sites may be excellent time-sinks!

Topics related to this post: Ambigrams | Art | Blogging | Creativity | Design | Fun | Personal | Puzzles | Representation | Worth Reading

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1 Comment

  1. nagfa


    I was reminded of how close knit the worldwide ambigram community was via the constant interactions and discussions when we had our now-defunct NAC Nagfa’s Ambigram Challenge. A family.

    And was it only a few months back when your good self was on our shores (Singapore) for a talk pertaining the teaching profession. I received an invitational email, and upon seeing your name, was pleasantly surprised: a prominent ambigram activist being in the same auditorium.. But alas! Another duty changed it all.

    Been a fan of your work for as long as I remember doing ambigrams.



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