A Systems view of creativity

by | Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Our series of articles related to the broad topic of Rethinking technology and creativity for the 21st century in the journal TechTrends continues with two new articles. The first focuses on developing a systems view of creativity, specifically on how technology is opening up the world and changing systems of creativity.

Henriksen, D., & Hoelting, M. (2016). A Systems View of Creativity in a YouTube World. Tech Trends. (60)2. 102-106

The next article (reference and link below) makes a shift in our focus for the next few articles in the series. For the foreseeable future we will be focusing these articles on interviews with scholars and researchers on creativity. Through these interviews we seek to introduce their work and ideas to a wider population as well as connect their work to the themes we have been developing in this series so far. The first article in this new initiative is an interview with independent creativity scholar Michele Root-Bernstein.

Keenan, S., Mishra, P., & the Deep-Play Research Group (2016). Practicing the Process with Dr. Michele Root-BernsteinTech Trends (60)3, 200-203.

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