Research conduct: The movie

by | Sunday, February 20, 2011

From Ken Friedman & the PhD Design listserv:

The current issue of The Scientist has a story on an interactive film that helps research students and early career researchers to understand and navigate the perils of research misconduct.

Highlights: “The Lab is a choose-your-own-adventure story about an incident of apparent research misconduct. … At the outset, the viewer chooses one of four characters to follow: a grad student, a post doc, a PI, or a research integrity officer. Throughout the story, the viewer makes choices on behalf of this character, affecting the outcome. Make the right choices and misconduct is confronted and dealt with; make the wrong ones, and you’re bound for infamy when the misconduct is uncovered years later.”

The news-story is here: Misconduct and adventure

You can watch — and play — the film here:

The film focuses on one lab in one field, but the issues and choices touch on the challenges of responsible research in many fields.

I spent a bit of time traversing the movie (from the point of view of the Post Doc) and I was impressed. The story line is complex, sophisticated and engrossing. It took a bit of effort for me to tear myself away… But I do think this is an important resource for all budding researchers, irrespective of the field they are in.

Topics related to this post: Crime | Fiction | Film | Fun | Research | Science | Stories | Teaching | Worth Reading

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  1. Mary Brown

    Me too. Kim Park is very lovely and smart!

  2. Claire Parker

    Thank you for sharing the film. I’m really impressive. I love KIM PARK and her questions!


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