What can design do for you?

by | Thursday, February 04, 2010

TPACK involves understanding the capabilities of technology – understanding how we make meaning with it, how we can manipulate it to communicate, engage and teach. I include below an extraordinarily powerful use of media, created with the simplest of tools, one camera, a couple of people and some music. No 3-d aliens, no fancy digital effects – but (and this is important) the designers clearly have a deep understanding of the nuances of meaning that can be generated through subtle yet powerful use of the tools at hand. Zooms and pans, dissolves and wipes, memories and meanings.

Think about this video when people ask of what value are these new digital tools? Tell them we don’t know – but maybe a few years from now someone will surprise us by creating something this touching and breathtaking.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

A decade of running, some thanks

Ten years ago I participated in my first formal race. It was the 2004 Capital City River Run and back then it was a 10 mile run. Today (September 20, 2014), I ran my 11th race, the 2014 Capital City River Run - now a half marathon. It has been a decade of running. In...

21st century learning article receives ISTE award

Back in July 2013, the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education (JDLTE) published our paper on 21st Century Learning. This paper written with Kristen Kereluik, Chris Fahnoe and Laura Terry looked at over a dozen different 21st century learning frameworks and...

Brevity is the soul

I had posted earlier (see Twittering a tale) about short, short fiction that is suddenly the rage. Matt Koehler just introduced me to another example of this new emerging genre: Six Word Memoirs. Check it out.

Play & Creativity Across the Lifespan

Play & Creativity Across the Lifespan

As a part of our series of conversations with creativity scholars we recently spoke with Dr. Sandra Russ, Louis D. Beaumont University Professor, and interim dean at the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychological...

Call: Failure and Creative Risk in Technology-Enhanced Learning

Call: Failure and Creative Risk in Technology-Enhanced Learning

I am excited to announce a call for articles on Failure and Creative Risk in Technology-Enhanced Learning for a special section in the journal Tech Trends, edited by Danah Henriksen, Punya Mishra, Edwin Creely, and Michael Henderson. You can download the the...

Creativity, 21st Century Learning & Self-Regulation

Our latest article on the series Technology and Creativity is now available (link and the complete reference given below). Co-authored with Chris Fahnoe, Dr. Danah Henriksen, and the Deep-Play Research group, this paper builds on Chris' practicum research study and...

Google, teaching & creativity

Mike DeSchryver and I recently presented a paper at AERA titled "Googling creativity: An investigation into how pre-service mathematics teachers use the Web to generate creative ways to teach." The abstract is as follows: This study examined teacher creativity and its...

Article in WEF Global Information Technology Report

Everybody has heard of the  World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. As Wikipedia says, "The meeting brings together some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, selected intellectuals, and journalists to discuss the most...

SITE 2008: A preview

Matt and I are at the SITE conference next week. He has blogged about it here... so I need to do my bit. We have a busy schedule at Las Vegas, which means less time for all the fun stuff. The big one is the Keynote by Matt and myself (more details below). Here is a...


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