Reflecting on reflections (TE150)

by | Thursday, January 22, 2009

The entire TE150 team joined together to make a presentation to the College today as a part of the Online Teaching and Learning Colloquia. These sessions are sponsored by the MA-APPC, Center for Teaching and Technology, and the Center for the Scholarship of Teaching.

You can download the poster/announcement here, and the actual presentation here (both in PDF format).

The TE150 team included (in alphabetical order): Mike DeSchryver, Ashish Dore, Megan Clare Fedor, Andrea Francis, Anne Heintz, Felix Isaac, Matt Koehler, Punya Mishra, and Tae Seob Shin

The talk was described as follows:

Over the past four semesters the presenters have been teaching a fully online version of TE150, Reflections on Learning. Designing and teaching this course has been a collaborative effort between faculty, graduate students and programmers. In this presentation we will discuss the course, our use of diverse technologies and pedagogies, including games, dynamic discussion forums, social networking, magic tricks and popular film. We will also present information on how students have responded to this format and what we have learned in the process.

These colloquia will be offered to share with the COE community models of effective online teaching and learning, as well as explore issues and challenges with learning and teaching in online environments. One goal of these colloquia experiences is to encourage communities of practice around online teaching within the College of Education, between those experienced in online teaching, those who are just developing or creating a new practice of online teaching, and those who are learning in online environments.

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  1. Center for Teaching and Technology » Online Teaching and Learning Colloquia Presentation on TE150 - [...] You can download a PDF copy of their presentations on Punya’s website. [...]

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