Representing networks

by | Friday, January 23, 2009

Facebook has a couple of apps that allow you to map your friends’ network. I knew about them but hadn’t really played with them till Matt Koehler asked for some ideas to use in his 956 (Mind, Media & Learning class) and I suggested trying some of these tools out. To cut a long story short, a bit of mucking around (and following some leads sent in by Leigh Wolf) I ended up with two tools: Friendwheel and TouchGraph

Here is what my friends network looks like when mapped using Friendwheel.

Friendwheel maps all your friends in a circle, with lines connecting your friends who are friends with each other. This leads to a clumping together of friends with close connections together. So you can see that there are clearly 3 or 4 groups, people in the MSU network, people I know from highschool, people from my master’s in design program at the Industrial Design Center, family members and finally a somewhat random group with no connections either with each other or with other friends of mine.

Touchgraph does it somewhat differently – drawing a set of nodes and connections. Even here you can see how groups of friends cluster around each other, is a somewhat similar way as in the Friendwheel circle. The still image I have included here does not do this representation justice since you can actually move nodes around, by clicking and dragging them, and the rest of the network gently shifts and readjusts itself around your action.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

New ambigram: Nirvaan

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Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures

In honor of the movie "Hidden Figures" here is a new figure-ground ambigram. Enjoy.

It takes 10,000 hours

A quote in a NYTimes article caught my attention According to sports scientists, the most significant predictor of an athlete’s skill is the time spent in practice. “It’s not just genetics,” says Jean Côté, the director of the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies...

Math Concepts by Gaurav Bhatnagar

Gaurav Bhatnagar is one of my oldest friends - going back to 8th grade in Modern School, Barakhamba Road. He recently published his first book on Mathematics for kids, titled, Get Smart: Maths Concepts, published by Penguin India. The book also has an associated blog...

Following up on lunar distance

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Teenagers, retirement & the new abnormal

Teenagers, retirement & the new abnormal

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Designing the futures of STEM education

Designing the futures of STEM education

“What knowledge is of most worth?” is a question asked over a 100 years ago by the English philosopher, Herbert Spencer. His unequivocal answer was—science. This question (and his answer) resonates even today, though the context within which it is asked, and how we...

Happy Hanukkah: New Ambigram

Happy Hanukkah: New Ambigram

In keeping with the holiday theme (see Christmas ambigram below) it seemed appropriate to create a design for Hanukkah. That task actually turned out easier than I had expected - with some natural symmetries that I could take advantage of. The "U" at the...

Praise-blame ambigram in 3D

Jon Good has been playing around with some new 3D printers we just bought and this is what he printed for me - a 3-D version of the "praise-blame" ambigram (click here for the 2-D version). How cool is that! So what you are seeing in the top half is the printed...


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